Customised Paintings

Send us the image/photo/concept you want us to paint and we will get back to you with a quote Family Portraits, Architecture, Pets, Precious moments, or any ideas you have. We can convert your AI drawings to actual paintings Email us:


Study of picasso XII 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui


Study of picasso I 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui


Study of picasso II 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui


Study of picasso III 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui


Study of picasso IV 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui


Study of picasso V 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui


Study of picasso VI 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui


Study of picasso VII 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui


Study of picasso VIII 40cm x 45(h)cm

40cm x 45(h)cm Artist: Li Jiahui

